Physical health

Did you know that taking steps to take care of our physical health can assist you with taking care of your mental health? Research has shown that when your physical care is prioritized, symptoms of stress and anxiety are decreased. While we know this, taking steps to prioritize it can be challenging. Let’s look at some ways that we can take care of our bodies to assist with taking care of and nourishing our minds.

Oftentimes, when we think of physical health we immediately think of exercise. Exercise has shown to improve one’s mental health and overall mood. Taking steps to implement physical activity in your weekly routine can assist with reducing anxiety and depressed moods while also increasing self-esteem and alleviating social withdrawal. Exercising does not mean we need to go to the gym six days a week for an hour at a time. Doing something as small as taking a walk three days a week can make massive changes in one’s mental health.

While exercise is the main area we generally think of when looking at physical health, there are so many different ways we can honor and prioritize our physical health than just working out. Taking steps to get ample amounts of sleep, nourishing and feeding our body with nutritious foods, reducing caffeine intake, drinking water, going outside, and limiting screen time have large impacts on our mental health and mood. Our mind is connected to our body. Honoring and investing in our whole self has a large impact on our overall functioning.

Creating these changes can be challenging, especially when it is not something that is not in our daily routine. Remember, it can take just one step in the right direction to obtain a lifetime of positive changes in one’s life. Next time we are feeling large amounts of stress, anxiety, or a decrease in mood, let's take a step back and ask ourselves “how have I taken care of myself today?”


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