New Year, New Me?

2023 is coming to a close and 2024 is right around the corner. We have all heard the team “new year, new me!”. With this statement often comes different resolutions for the year of how one plans to shape and change their life. While change is good, New Year's resolutions can lead to unmet expectations as well as feelings of failure if these resolutions are not complete. Let’s take a look at some different ways in which we can switch gears to focus on change in a healthy and obtainable way.

Switching expectations can play a key part as we plan for change. Instead of looking at resolutions for the New Year let's look at intentions. Resolutions are often strict which can lead to having little to no wiggle room. Switching to New Year intentions allows one to be more present and mindful of the changes that have been made. An example of a New Year’s intention would be, “I will be mindful of taking care of my body this year”. A more traditional goal would be “I will workout 3 times per week this year.” Switching from a goal to an intention can also lead to overall positive growth compared to achieving a goal and then not approaching that goal again.

Now that we are switching our mindset, let's look at ways in which we can become more intentional with our plans for the New Year. Taking steps such as understanding the why, creating doable intentions that set us up for success, and acknowledging growth, is a great way to be more intentional in plans and actions. For example, an example of defining a “why” would be “When I take care of my body well, I feel mentally healthier as well, and I deserve to be care for well.” Taking steps towards growth and change can be scary. Creating intentions can assist with that change and can also lead to overall lifestyle change compared to just checking it off a list.

A New Year is exciting, but can also bring pressure. Instead of focusing on what was not achieved and tasks we did not check off a list, let's focus more on our intentions for the New Year. Remember, when creating any type of change, we may not meet our own expectations. Switching to an intentional mindset can assist with eliminating fears of failure to assist with progressing and moving forward. Happy 2024! Let’s take steps to be intentional this year.


Physical health


Boundaries for the Holidays