Embracing Motherhood: Overcoming Challenges and Finding Support
There’s no question that we constantly go through different transitions throughout life, starting from day one. From adjusting to new schedules, to advancing through grades, changing schools, experiencing life events, and more, we are always entering new phases. Each stage can present its own unique challenges. Whether small or large, these transitions move us into a "new" era or environment, often resulting in feelings of confusion, fear, or discomfort. Today, let's take a look at one of those transitions: Motherhood.
Personally, this has been a new stage in my life that I’ve embraced wholeheartedly. There’s no question this has been my favorite transition yet. From the baby snuggles, smiles, coos, and more, it has been a fun stage that has introduced me to unconditional love in a way I never imagined. While this experience has been incredibly exciting, there have also been many challenges. From expected difficulties like lack of sleep or "me" time, to unexpected struggles like mom guilt and comparison, this journey has had its ups and downs. Let’s explore some ways to manage these challenges.
Have you ever heard the phrase “comparison is the thief of joy”? This is so true, though often we don’t even realize we’re doing it. We live in a world where everything is posted everywhere… and I mean everywhere. From commercials and social media, to marketing, there’s a pervasive sense that we must be perfect and do things a certain way. How exhausting is that? How can we possibly compare to others when each situation is unique? It’s important to remember that the guilt, shame, and comparison we experience are often false and unwarranted. What works best for you is perfectly fine, and what works for others is okay too! It’s essential to remember that we are all unique, and it helps to focus on ways to mute the shame and guilt that come from comparing ourselves to others.
Additionally, I’ve learned more than ever before about the value of support. Support from your spouse when it comes to roles. Support from family, both inside and outside of the home, for various needs. Support from friends and peers in the community to help understand the newness of our roles. People often say, “Parenting takes a village,” and that is so true. It’s okay to ask for help when navigating these new stages of life.
Change and the unfamiliar can be scary. Life can be challenging. But each transition brings the potential for beautiful new beginnings. Remember, everyone is different, meaning every need is different. Let’s use this understanding to help us gain comfort in the discomfort that often comes with new phases of life.
Written by: Jordan Allen